Conference 2015

The Irish Innocence Project International Conference on Wrongful Convictions, Human Rights and the Student Learning Experience

The Irish Innocence Project International Conference on Wrongful Convictions, Human Rights and the Student Learning Experience takes place on 26th of June 2015 at Griffith College Dublin. This conference will be a first of its kind.

Never before have law, journalism and innocence work professionals, exonerees and higher education students from Ireland and around the globe been invited to come together to share their clinical experience pursuing innocence and human rights work.

The conference features a key note address by Gareth Peirce, who successfully overturned the wrongful convictions of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six, as well as a talk by Innocence Project co-founders Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, and a presentation by 48 Hours American television journalist and lawyer Erin Moriarty.

Both conference and film festival programs are expected to be high impact, high profile events attended by international VIPs, celebrities and dignitaries.

International Wrongful Conviction Film Festival 27th of June 2015

International Wrongful Conviction Film Festival will be the first ever wrongful conviction film festival and will feature nine international films, Q & As with directors and exonerees, and a closing capstone event:

A special screening of “In the Name of the Father” with director Jim Sheridan and Gerry Conlon’s family. The Gerry Conlon Memorial Law and Journalism Justice Student Scholarship will be awarded that evening to a law or media student who is interested in pursuing innocence or human rights work. The Irish Innocence Project is the only project in the world whose home is a 200-year-old former prison where at least one man, Joseph Poole, is believed to have been wrongfully convicted, was hanged and is buried in an unmarked grave on the grounds. Both the film festival and the international conference on the previous day will be held on the Griffith College Dublin campus.

The aim of these two robust days is to:

  • Increase understanding and awareness of wrongful convictions as a human rights issue
  • Promote the role that both law and the media has in addressing miscarriages of justice
  • Inspire a new generation of young people to pursue innocence and human rights work

We would be delighted to welcome our friends and colleagues from around the globe. We are also encouraging students with a passion for justice and human rights to come and are offering discounted prices for them.

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